Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
Booze culture is just that - peer pressure and cultural norms are hard to get over than the alcohol.
Try dancing to loud music in the k hole - your ear drums are relaxed and music sounds generic but different and it floats your body on the sound wave,...
genxgemini wrote: Oooh, a domineering wife, you say? I'll have to give her a closer look. I bet the real explanation is far less glamorous t...
I was a red ice subscriber and stopped not long after the pivot away from shows like THC. I heard a couple of Henriks explanation interviews, someo...
interesting their youtube is now closed and video removed Photos here does realy show how small they are - but I used to work in food...
dreddymercury wrote: As a person of African descent, I have so many questions for Steven; especially in regards to the Denisovian(?) gene and how that...
trintdaddy wrote: have you guys heard about Wilcock leaving Gaia? allegedly he claims they're promoting a luciferian agenda & he's not gonna be part o...
It depends on what you and I call - Will? Is it the thoughts in the mind of someone who is yet to individuate the Self ? - Is it tuning into oth...
It depends on what you and I call - Will? Is it the thoughts in the mind of someone who is yet to individuate the Self ? - Is it tuning into oth...
Depressed is often linked to lack of Self - an empty space for "Spirits" to enter
Have you heard of the hungry ghost realm in Tibetan Buddhism? Dead people who are so attached to the material realm they want to get back - Buddhists ...
metalegs wrote: What if its not foreshadowing or asking permission. What if its literally the magic? All the colors, signs, etc are designed to bring ...
trintdaddy wrote: @nickzeptepi - have you read bloody treason? Not read it, but I saw this the other month and it was compelling and showed the lar...