Honorable Member
Joined: June 4, 2016 9:49 AM
Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
Topics: 46 / Replies: 428
Meditators, any visions pointing to strangeness in the timeline?

I had some "active imagination" regarding a big earth quake in the USA - it set of some chain events like Fukushima, But weirdest thing was that Trump...

7 years ago
Some unverified PMC story about a rich girl, sex clubs and brainwashing

Sounds like it's and extract from a fiction novel.

7 years ago
Annihilation film

I saw it, but was a little distracted and diddn't give it my full attention, and it could also be a metaphor for our inner world and the union o...

7 years ago
Trump salutes nk military leader?

This weeks Gordon White newsletter is appropriate. If you live inside the American media bubble, you will have had a very different week to thos...

7 years ago
Trump salutes nk military leader?

The Leftist Media is trying to denigrate Trump. no big deal in comparison to the historic summit with NK.

7 years ago
Group Protection Ritual For Ms. Tracy Twyman

Is this why Tracy twyman has recently removed her content from the internet?

7 years ago
Susan Joy Rennison: Reality As Seen Through Electromagnetism

Someone did a Dark Crystal Fan Edit /a> Short clip br /> It's gone from Youtube but here is a copy

7 years ago
Tracy Twyman?

blinkman2 wrote: Anyone know what has happened to Tracy Twyman? Almost all of the content from the past couple years on her website has been removed a...

7 years ago
Subscription Fee

Consider the global audience - $2 is food & coffee for a day where I live in Vietnam. Average wage in SEA for half decent job is from $250 - $300...

7 years ago
Niburu, undergroud caves, and recreation.

Also the Electric Universe and Saturn Theory are summed up with in the passage.

7 years ago
George Kavassilas

alevip wrote: Hi! Well, I've listened to quite a few interviews and read his book and his newsletter. I think that your concerns are very well taken c...

7 years ago
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