Honorable Member
Joined: June 4, 2016 9:49 AM
Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
Topics: 46 / Replies: 428
7 years ago
Dr. Michael Salla Ph.D - The Secret Space Program, Antarctica & Exopolitcs

ixdbxi wrote: Is this directed at me? ixdbxi wrote: Is this directed at me? It's up to you.

7 years ago
Dr. Michael Salla Ph.D - The Secret Space Program, Antarctica & Exopolitcs

I read this some time ago and I find it very apt in the "alternative circles" when people wish to convince anyone else of the "truth" they have found....

7 years ago
TCF: A Sudden Increase in Sexualizing AI on Streaming Services

I think this is also a move to help or maintain dissociation their inner Self.

7 years ago
TCF: A Sudden Increase in Sexualizing AI on Streaming Services

enjoypolo wrote: There's definitely all of the above. One anecdote from my recent trip to China that's worth mentioning is how technocratic it's becom...

7 years ago
Flat Earth being a PsyOp

Neil Kramer stated that there is a flat earth inside a larger sphere/planet. Like a upper & lower that are reflections of each other.

7 years ago
Dispelling Wetiko

Wetiko are Archon's - is a discussion I'd like to hear

7 years ago
Grant Morrison

Linked to Grant is Frankie Boyle - a erudite Scottish comedian who is well aware of many of the topics discussed here. Perhaps give him a platform ...

7 years ago
Tracy Twyman: Communing with the Demon Masters episode question

try godlikeproductions - I've seen things like that on their BUT GLP is a know site where they seed misinfo also sounds a bit like the chani...

7 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1429
Hollywood and Pedophilia? Escape to Witch Mountain, 1975

erikx wrote: That was my thinking, the movie serves as plausible deniability: things done to and remembered by the children can be deferred as just be...

8 years ago
Shamangineer | Water Alchemy, Fringe Science, & Viktor Schauberger

erikx wrote: I like Jung, but I am not sure that the psychoanalysts understood esoteric work correctly. They psychoanalyse everything, but riddle...

8 years ago
Shamangineer | Water Alchemy, Fringe Science, & Viktor Schauberger

I've been reading some Jung depth psychology stuff - Jung is the one who talks about the Self, shadow work and inner work all being part of Individu...

8 years ago
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