Honorable Member
Joined: June 4, 2016 9:49 AM
Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
Topics: 46 / Replies: 428
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Views: 597
From Yorkshire, living in Thailand

Yep living in Chiang Mai in winter but I'm now living in Vietnam in summer is a bit cooler here. Plato's allegory of the caves is very apt to how...

8 years ago
Michael Joseph | The occult religeon of the Elite and its influence

This is the sort of podcast i prefer. Much better than unsubstantiated purple giant monkey beings from the planet Zag! I'll have to listen again...

8 years ago
Corey Goode Presentation - Secret Space Program Conference

PurpleLama wrote: I knew Corey from another forum, since 2012 or so. Those interested in his material, beware, he is a total fraud. Sorry to burst y...

8 years ago
Chani Project: Quantum Communication with Entity

I read those articles and saw Acolyte go from glp to create his own forum. I haven't heard much if any interviews on the subject. Some of the bi...

8 years ago
Pre-Adamic & Adamic Origins

Cheers edited out already - i got that via JP Farrell as well! Golbeki tepe, Bosnian pyramids and the latest from Dr Carmen Boulter will be going in...

8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1462
Laird Scranton and "The Velikovsky Heresies"

I don't have to my copy right now but recollect he talked of Chinese calendars being adjusted - did he mention a particular date? I also read Barbar...

8 years ago
A couple of questions for anyone who will read this!

nickzeptepi wrote: Just a quick note to ponder on, (I'll try expand later) For those who have mentioned slave race. Consider the hidden teachin...

8 years ago
Researching and Writing

Perhaps start with a blog / essays, topics will come to you and the ones that stick are your candidates for further expansion.

8 years ago
THC Book Club

May I suggest a slightly different approach, one which can be more inclusive and allow more flexibility for people who may like to participate in such...

8 years ago
A couple of questions for anyone who will read this!

general urko wrote: I am honestly not familiar with the nag hamadi texts. Can you point me to a resource? I can and will google, but wish to know YOUR...

8 years ago
A couple of questions for anyone who will read this!

Just a quick note to ponder on, (I'll try expand later) For those who have mentioned slave race. Consider the hidden teachings in the nag ham...

8 years ago
A couple of questions for anyone who will read this!

I can see curvature on the top of these aurora, which also shows how far up and away you need to be to see the curve on this massive ball. Nature...

8 years ago
A couple of questions for anyone who will read this!

general urko wrote: Ahhh, the trickster. Funny how I've been hearing about the trickster entity lately. I've always associated the trickster with Co...

8 years ago
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