Last seen: April 30, 2024 12:11 AM
I saw shadow beings in my room a few times shook me up - i did not like it - it was pushing my perceived reality beyond what I was told to believe
Masks do reduce the transmission vector - not 100% - but sufficiently enough. I live in Asia and mask wearing is commonplace, normal and polite esp...
I second that - i think it is a great idea and daddy David can vouch for the show and facilitate the appearance (or his people can )
Try rune soup blog for tips on ancestral alters and new moon offerings, then its just a matte of quiet mind meditation and start a dialogue see what ...
move to Thailand
shamangineer wrote: I put nothing past Trump at this point, as far as the Atlantic article, It's been independently corroborated, even by FOX News. ...
3slinger wrote: Are there guests or interviews that anyone can direct me to listen to in the archive overcoming the gordian knot during the ascension ...
idefix wrote: Q doxxed as owner of 8chan and also a pedophile. can Q survive this? has it done its job? to wake up a few people to look deep...
Links or you stink
hisich wrote: Pffft...you're just rationalizing your own bias/bigotry. Just like the unnamed Troll rationalized his anti-European/Christian bigotry. ...
This is how imagine anyone whose buys into either side of the latest divide and conquer psyop.