Cute slogan at the end there. No-one else has responded yet, so I'm saying Hey. Good on you getting stuff done and working to make the world...
Neither are vaccines, really. I see quite a few on Amazon for ~$20. If you do the research to figure out which one and have a snail you can giv...
27% of all diagnosed cancers that are not treated in any way including dietary changes or ANYthing go into spontaneous remission. Dr. Leonard Col...
Yes and oooooohhhhh. Hmmmmm. Do you pay attention to any of Starfire Tor's timeline work?
I don't think it should affect the mercury content. I haven't researched this exactly, but the point is that the mercury does NOT break down, right?...
NOW it all makes sense. 😉 He's trying to be the nice alien. I have no opinion one way or the other, actually. Not about the Noors-m...
Oh that is brilliant. I imagine you want to test for mercury? I would think there'd be a straightforward assay one could do at home. There...
I'm very interested in biodynamics as well. Steiner put a lot together.
Nice. Thank you.
Do you have a brochure? I'll print a few up and leave them around town. I live in Soldotna, Alaska. We're about to get a couple hundred tho...
Nice. Equinox is a power day.