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Joined: December 27, 2017 2:16 PM
Topics: 2 / Replies: 4
Hello from Sunny Watford UK

Hi B.M. Thanks for the reply. I'm the same as you, there are deffinately conspiricies out there but a lot of it is nonsense. That said I've just not...

6 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 774
Susan Joy Rennison: Reality As Seen Through Electromagnetism

i wonder why her husband left? I am joking but It amuses me to think about it. No Darling you don't understand...they know it's coming and climate cha...

6 years ago
Anyone know anything about selling a food product?

You can do it "from home" if it's at a local level. It's only if you start selling to larger stores that they'll require food certificates. I make and...

7 years ago
Self-taught outsider artist

reallyclear13 wrote: Hello all, I am a 28 y/o farming artist trying to live my life best I can for me and all. I have a BS in biology. I started do...

7 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 688