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Joined: August 9, 2021 3:42 PM
Last seen: May 21, 2023 5:45 PM
Topics: 34 / Replies: 166
Magnet Challenge: wtf is going on here?

I don't buy. If they were going to pull anything like that, they would do it with smart dust - which would probably circulate and if it didn't, w...

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

tacosalad wrote: You probably won't even read this, but I have to say, I am a bit confused as to why you chose to put this on my post, rather than ...

3 years ago
Gotta love that this section is empty - LOL!

Is this where we put how/when our normalcy bias went bye-bye? For me, I think Snowden's disclosure and the Boston bombing several years ago (I wa...

3 years ago
Accelerating Shift?

Speaking of "thrown under the bus": that's what happened to Cuomo, and now Fauci and Gates. Except there IS no bus and no repercussions - it's all m...

3 years ago

Aside from being an insult to all snakes, an excellent correlation!

3 years ago
Injection apartheid is NOT good news

sofahkingfoxy wrote: Yep, sure do! I was born in Minneapolis, moved to Portland age 8 & then back to Minneapolis at 20. Still here 40+ yrs later....

3 years ago
Injection apartheid is NOT good news

sofahkingfoxy wrote: I grew up in Portland most of my childhood. Do you miss it? I grew up in Chicago, so PDX still seems like an improveme...

3 years ago
Off to the races

States with fewest CV restrictions, as of April 2021: Spoiler: the winner isn't Florida.

3 years ago
Mercola self censors. Was his life threatened?

Mercola has been around for a long time, and he has always been critical of big pharma. He was very vocally opposed to GMOs in the food chain (which ...

3 years ago
Retired military generals warning and petition.

smaddy wrote: Where do you stand if you are a non Marxist socialist who doesn't believe in state control???????? Wherever it is, I hope there ...

3 years ago
Get Vaccinated or...

It looks like whomever actually wanted to get jabbed has done so by now. So now we are entering the soft coercion phase. At my work (all fully remot...

3 years ago
Fauci/Gain-of-Function Bombshell (from a source normies can't easily dismiss)

I always thought it was suspicious that they immediately closed and tore down the wet market where the outbreak was said to originally occur, before a...

3 years ago
Alityan Childs 2010 X Factor Australia Winner Reveals

Oddly enough - I don't think YT will pull his video, nor will he get into as much trouble as he alludes.

3 years ago
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