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Joined: August 9, 2021 3:42 PM
Last seen: May 21, 2023 5:45 PM
Topics: 34 / Replies: 166
My Grandmother’s vaccine issues

This latest video from the Corbett Report made me think of your grandmother, and how blatant disregard for the elderly seems to be built by design int...

4 years ago

Even in the most flattering light, the "vaccine" is only 50% more effective than a placebo. So 250,000 of 500,000 would "not have died", fify. O...

4 years ago
My Grandmother’s vaccine issues

Absolutely infuriating on all counts, what your grandmother has gone through. As I'm reading about (potential) vaccine related deaths, it seems t...

4 years ago
Off to the races

Something hopeful... 50,000 restaurants in Italy stand against the shutdowns (I'm going to start calling them that): "We will make them ea...

4 years ago
Covid Journeys with Chris Vogel

I like that it is depicted in a spiral and not a circle like many spiritual and epochal cycles are. Good symbology.

4 years ago
Coronavirus and WWIII

The more I think about it, there are two options if things go south (of course if things go south they will do so very quickly and so my best advice w...

4 years ago
Mercola: Vaccine trickery

Did they really say that 90% of people need to be vaccinated in order to reach herd immunity? I thought the whole idea behind herd immunity was that ...

4 years ago
5G vs social distancing

IOT technologies (which for a big part require support from 5G due to the high volume of traffic) enable scanning of nanodust which is already being u...

4 years ago
Allison McDowell at wrenchinthegears.com

Thank you for interviewing her! Great stuff.

4 years ago
Dr. Anthony Fauci's ex-employee, was jailed, finally tells all.

lowertopmute wrote: any new links for this video. please can we upload to bit chute etc and keep a personal copy for future use. thanks in adva...

4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 512
Coronavirus and WWIII

Reading this in the Portland, OR burbs (aka Masktopia), wishing I was 2 states east. *sigh* Continuing the off-topic path but the point is trying...

4 years ago
Coronavirus and WWIII

I'm afraid you are right. Unfortunately, if the past is any example, the only solution to the virus "solution" will also be a war. But unlike the pa...

4 years ago
"Racist" restaurants now flagged on Yelp

sofahkingfoxy wrote: Do you think any Walmart’s will be flagged? Let’s push back with a national campaign, catch them in the act and flood yelp wi...

4 years ago
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