Last seen: December 29, 2024 7:01 PM
The real rabbit hole of the flat earth implies that NASA lied with the 'big, blue marble' image, and that the ISS is a lie, and that every photo from ...
This is a great example of how our pre-conceived notions can overpower our actual eyesight. We think the earth is curved, therefore we see curvature. ...
You'd have to go through the Hollow Earth/Underworld to see what was below.
I think it's worth examining the myth of the International Space Station. How was it launched into space? Why is there no evidence or video of this? W...
I'm in Colorado in the denver area. I know there is another user named @syntax_error that also lives here, but we have yet to meet up. Any Higherside ...
Hey dudes, this is Kyle long-time friend and occasional co-host of some older THC episodes. I'm from St. Louis, MO where I met Greg around 4th grade. ...