Last seen: March 3, 2025 12:08 AM
I mentioned this book in one of the Wild Card Forums, but I'll put it here as well. The Key to the Universe by Curtiss Or a Spiritual Interpretati...
@RedPillWizard I don't want to give the impression that I am an expert in any of these things, more of an eternal student who enjoys wandering lost in...
@Dr abbadon Saturday sounds good. Let me know the particulars and I should be able to make it.
Ahh the deep ontological questions (rubs hands)... I agree with you @Hammer that all is one and duality consciousness can struggle under stagnant or...
Chicken lips for sure! They kick hen's teeths' arse (that was a grammar headache - and for that matter I guess teeth don't really have an arse...). ...
@RedPillWizard I too consider myself a practitioner. Largely intuitively directed intent, but I have read widely and explored other Shamanic altered-s...
Yeah it's challenging bro, to keep perspective without becoming invested in some extrapolation being "true". Building a narrative is very much an addi...
Good Dr. I'll be in Smellburn from the 4th to the 9th of June. No hard fast itinerary as yet cept a wedding on Sunday. What's your neck of the woods? ...
Hey Agarthan, I grew up in WA and I remember the sweet scent of the bore water in suburban cul-de-sacs well. And the beach sunsets to be fair. You m...
Yeah, I've only heard about it in vague terms as something remarkable - like the bankers. A quick scan ofseems to indicate at least one possible theme...
You guys should check out Suspicious Observersif you haven't already. Ties in with the Electric Universe view of things. Sometimes I wonder if these...
Hey there Dr Abbadon. I used to live in Melbourne about 5 years ago and will be down there for a wedding in a few weeks... A good mate of mine lives...