Last seen: March 3, 2025 12:08 AM
Hey there re/Planetary Power Plots After wandering down the shadowy, cobwebbed alleys of conspiracy for a while now I've come kind of full circle ba...
Any Russian listeners? If you guys have access to that info maybe we could start a "Russia" thread, because I'd like to talk to those guys outside of ...
Lone scholar I'd say. Keep my options open for maximum brain grazing synergy. Tend towards believing in God as some kind of aggregate fractal consciou...
Hey bro. Topics? Just trying to peg down some kind of grand unified conspiracy theory by piecing all of this craziness together and stirring in a heal...
Clockwise? Look outside brother... if there is a kangaroo stealing a car you are in Oz, because the great maker of clocks is from the southern hemisph...
I'm situated in northern NSW near a little town called Uki. We are in the shadow of more well known towns like Byron Bay (of surfing hippy BluesFest f...