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Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
Topics: 43 / Replies: 275
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models

enjoypolo wrote: It’s just data-processing coupled with learning. A quantum computer would probably be way more efficient, although not readily availa...

6 years ago
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models

fifthcolumn wrote: I look forward to the day I can turn on the TV and see Baphomet reading the evening news. Well, soon you will be able to choos...

6 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 721
Revolution in the Making: France and Beyond #YellowJackets

French senate approves bill stipulating that Notre Dame has to be rebuilt as original

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

I love everything about this track. I love that he's playing a tin can, I love that he's totally confident wearing arse-less shorty shorts. I love the...

6 years ago
New member here, so glad to find yall

slayerofall2010 wrote: My main goal and purpose for finding truth is to protect and bring my kids up with correct info and cures to fight big pharma. ...

6 years ago
The richest man in the world and his shitty moon-mobile

so, does 5g only work a few hundred feet or thousands of miles? enquiring minds want to know.

6 years ago
Revolution in the Making: France and Beyond #YellowJackets

enjoypolo wrote: I wonder how they’re doing so far. That mock trial was amazing, full of energy and joy. I'm glad they are laughing too! Fun...

6 years ago
Julian Assange arrested in UK

Is there any significance in the fact he is being extradited to Virginia? I know it's the HQ of the FBI because I've been smacked in the face with thi...

6 years ago
The richest man in the world and his shitty moon-mobile

There's some weird in-fighting going on. NASA and NOAA are pushing back against the 5G rollout citing interference with weather mapping satellites, ...

6 years ago
Dr. Gerald Pollack

Yes, another great episode. Greg is killing it. Listening to Dr. Pollack on electrostactics made me wonder what would happen if you made a copper...

6 years ago
The richest man in the world and his shitty moon-mobile

Yes, EP, and how well does all that with what Dr. Pollack was saying about electrostatics and flight. Boom! I also have an eagle's nest visible ...

6 years ago
Placebo-based Healing Technique

fifthcolumn wrote: Damn, woman! Your spitballs are solid. haha, no worries, mate. While discussing placebo, I find it useful to also cast ...

6 years ago
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