Reputable Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
Topics: 43 / Replies: 275
Weaponizing Cognitive Dissonance

I try to stay positive, but some days I despair. I posted on an aussie forum about 'geoengineering' as there was a program about it on our state...

6 years ago
Ibrahim Karim - BioGeometry subtle energy effect of geometrical shapes

Brilliant! Thanks Nick! I found this guy years ago, and then 'lost' him and was so disappointed not to be able to find his work again. Well done! ...

6 years ago
Weaponizing Cognitive Dissonance

So, back to Cog dis. I was dreaming up a nice design for some template "fill in the blanks" sticker sets which highlight instances of dissonance in ev...

6 years ago
Placebo-based Healing Technique

fifthcolumn wrote: use 'you' instead of 'I'. This is interesting. Never heard this before. Is it just for a recording, where you are listening ...

6 years ago
Polishing Logic - Your Shining Armor

Your mate Lew Paxton Price has a great primer on his website. But I agree we need a range of tools to evaluate material. One of my friends sent ...

6 years ago
The richest man in the world and his shitty moon-mobile

The only explanation I can ascribe is that they didn't want anything too flashy and aerodynamic to show up the original tin can lander. Ok, don'...

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 624
Did an interview disappear this Month?

Do you mean the Russell Targ interview?

6 years ago
Placebo-based Healing Technique

fifthcolumn wrote: One minute into the Witch of Gallicia and I'm already in love. Also check out her 'Spelling out Authority' talk, which you...

6 years ago
Weaponizing Cognitive Dissonance

It's so synchronous you guys brought up dentists. I was going to suggest them as a future topic. One the one hand there is the trauma aspect, the oppo...

6 years ago
Capitalism is rigged

Bricks and mortar store. That's your first mistake right there. Even big companies can barely sustain a high street presence. This has a rolling effec...

6 years ago
Antarctic Secrets

I also found this weird little nugget in a book from 1963. "A big whale boat was lifted (up by the wind) and flung twenty yards, landing against ...

6 years ago
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