Reputable Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
Topics: 43 / Replies: 275
Weaponizing Cognitive Dissonance

I am in agreement with you that talking cures rarely work - Actually, I don't think we're in agreement here. Apologies! I must have misread your...

6 years ago
Placebo-based Healing Technique

fifthcolumn wrote: I come from a scientific atheism background, so I tend to tailor my stuff more toward the "sciency" end of the spectrum. I...

6 years ago
Revolution in the Making: France and Beyond #YellowJackets

Talking of laughing. Ukraine elects a comedian who played the president on the tv as their actual president....

6 years ago
Placebo-based Healing Technique

Good stuff. See also Bruno Groening

6 years ago
Weaponizing Cognitive Dissonance

fifthcolumn - Don't dismiss the usefulness of catharsis too quickly. While I am in agreement with you that talking cures rarely work, and in fact, can...

6 years ago
Dr. Wallace Wong, trans con man

And while I've got my rant on.... I think it's telling that transsexuals are very vocal about human rights, unless of course, they are talking about t...

6 years ago
Antarctic Secrets

Chinese reportedly alarmed over Antarctic 'battle', but experts say 'new US base' doesn't exist

6 years ago
My experience on reducing EMF exposure and its health benefits

fayt76 wrote: My experience with EMF meter is limited but I’m very happy with this one as it can be easily carried around. As a matter of fact, I’m...

6 years ago
Dr. Wallace Wong, trans con man

Nothing to see here, mate. Perfectly normal. Perhaps, if you want a laugh, try parsing out this sentence. The lawyers said that letting ...

6 years ago

On tensor rings - note that they have been in use for thousands of years. Celtic copper torque necklace modern copper tensor ring. ...

6 years ago
David Cole Stien -- HOLOCAUST???

Life is too short to watch a rant by an old naked dude. Be a mensch and summarize his position please? : )

6 years ago
Education = Worker

Ha, what a depressing flow chart for 'success'. Learn to read > Get stressed about arbitrary tests > Repeat > Repeat, but add shitloads of ...

6 years ago
Let's talk ESP: Remote Viewing, Pre-cogs, TK, etc.

shamangineer wrote: Here is a target, a loved one with reoccurring medical issues. Please advise what may be at fault. Don't want to front load so k...

6 years ago
Opening the forums to non-plus members

nickzeptepi wrote: Is it possible to have in this forum area a open-to-all show discusiions and comments etc and the rest is for Plus members - it mi...

6 years ago
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