Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
shamangineer wrote: Here is a target, a loved one with reoccurring medical issues. Please advise what may be at fault. Don't want to front load so k...
enjoypolo wrote: Just saw your video about crystal tower.. Could they be trying to siphon off the grid energy? Yes, I think so. And they are s...
enjoypolo wrote: It looks like a kudu horn. Very interested as well. The other day I collected a piece of “garbage” fron my workplace. It was the e...
enjoypolo wrote: Meanwhile, Paris's public prosecutor declares: “We are favoring the theory of an accident,” Remy Heitz told journalists. “No evi...
shamangineer wrote: Weeds and trees have such an important role to play in the landscape with regard to water and soil biome activity. I complete...
Some water work from my hood. Natural Sequence Farming - Peter Andrews and his leaky weirs. br /> br /> and some great points about weeds
shamangineer wrote: You should make a recording of what she says to refer to later. This is an excellent suggestion. I spoke to my grandmother about...
Anyone got a cool 6 grand for one of these? EMF free far infra red sauna
hugh johnson wrote: They have not "literally erased women" When a man can declare himself a woman, with full protection of the law, "woman" as a ...
Earth Pipes, people, Earth pipes....
Super excellent guide to building solidarity networks. " The Seattle Solidarity Network (or “SeaSol” for short) is a small but growing workers’ an...