Reputable Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
Topics: 43 / Replies: 275
Community Activism 101 - Are we Neckbeards or are We (Wo)men?

So.Much.Plastic. I would be very wary of trying to grow 'clean food' in plastic containers. They should be a last resort if you ask me.

6 years ago
Eileen Day McKusick

Bump for Eileen. I just read her book, and it's excellent. Essentially, she picks up Reich's thesis that emotional and physical trauma get trappe...

6 years ago
My experience on reducing EMF exposure and its health benefits

Oh, and EnjoyPolo, if you do want to dive into Reich, I recommend reading ether, god and devil / cosmic superimposition, which are two companion books...

6 years ago
My experience on reducing EMF exposure and its health benefits

Hi Fayt, thanks for this excellent info. I have been wanting to diving into shielding options, but the amount of different options and the cost involv...

6 years ago
Biomimicry & The Blue Economy

More great stuff, EP! Thanks for the share. i read a lot of the blue economy papers you linked to. So interesting to see how many of the projects invo...

6 years ago
5G Technology: Information and Risks

shamangineer wrote: So taking bets on what shady shit Ajit Pai would do if the FCC has to investigate 5G. . Oh! I know, I know! Conduct a long-t...

6 years ago
5G Technology: Information and Risks

National Toxicology Program at the US Dept of Health proves cancer link in 2&3G radiation. They don't even come close to 5G in terms of potency. ...

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

“Ayisoba’s grandfather played the kologo(trad. Ghanaian lute),” Zea says. “But only in the house. He was a healer, a shaman. People would come and tel...

6 years ago
Dr. Wallace Wong, trans con man

thwolf wrote: hmm why does that sound familiar. It's exactly the same as the vaccinations, it's now being forced upon people so where is this agenda...

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

King Ayisoba - some hot african beats for you. Africa Needs Africa br /> Wicked Leaders

6 years ago
Way of the Future Church - CREEEPY!

I came across an advert in our local paper for AI-powered hearing aids. WTF do you think that means?

6 years ago
Dr. Wallace Wong, trans con man

hugh johnson wrote: I suggest just getting out of the way and enjoying the trainwreck, because this is really an internal fight between two feminist f...

6 years ago
Way of the Future Church - CREEEPY!

Secret messages for Alexa and Co. Researchers can hide secret commands for voice assistants in spoken sentences, birds’ twittering, or music. They ...

6 years ago
Dr. Wallace Wong, trans con man

I would also like to address the logical fallacy that talking about transagendas damages some hypothetical willowy teen who is confused about their ge...

6 years ago
Julian Assange arrested in UK

enjoypolo wrote: That Aussie MKUltra Survivor whose name escapes me at the moment, mentioned Assange as a member of the Australian elite. I remem...

6 years ago
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