Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
So.Much.Plastic. I would be very wary of trying to grow 'clean food' in plastic containers. They should be a last resort if you ask me.
Bump for Eileen. I just read her book, and it's excellent. Essentially, she picks up Reich's thesis that emotional and physical trauma get trappe...
Oh, and EnjoyPolo, if you do want to dive into Reich, I recommend reading ether, god and devil / cosmic superimposition, which are two companion books...
Hi Fayt, thanks for this excellent info. I have been wanting to diving into shielding options, but the amount of different options and the cost involv...
More great stuff, EP! Thanks for the share. i read a lot of the blue economy papers you linked to. So interesting to see how many of the projects invo...
shamangineer wrote: So taking bets on what shady shit Ajit Pai would do if the FCC has to investigate 5G. . Oh! I know, I know! Conduct a long-t...
National Toxicology Program at the US Dept of Health proves cancer link in 2&3G radiation. They don't even come close to 5G in terms of potency. ...
“Ayisoba’s grandfather played the kologo(trad. Ghanaian lute),” Zea says. “But only in the house. He was a healer, a shaman. People would come and tel...
thwolf wrote: hmm why does that sound familiar. It's exactly the same as the vaccinations, it's now being forced upon people so where is this agenda...
King Ayisoba - some hot african beats for you. Africa Needs Africa br /> Wicked Leaders
I came across an advert in our local paper for AI-powered hearing aids. WTF do you think that means?
hugh johnson wrote: I suggest just getting out of the way and enjoying the trainwreck, because this is really an internal fight between two feminist f...
Secret messages for Alexa and Co. Researchers can hide secret commands for voice assistants in spoken sentences, birds’ twittering, or music. They ...
I would also like to address the logical fallacy that talking about transagendas damages some hypothetical willowy teen who is confused about their ge...
enjoypolo wrote: That Aussie MKUltra Survivor whose name escapes me at the moment, mentioned Assange as a member of the Australian elite. I remem...