Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
Yeah, I didn't even hear the interview yet, but the bio got my attention "Dr Valery Uvarov is the head of the Department of UFO Research, Palaeos...
je vais prendre ta douleur br /> I will lead the wolves away from you br /> Do you wanna be my girl? br /> People won't be ...
Hey EP... the forums could definitely do with an upgrade : ) I think one of the main problems is on--boarding. People show up, say hi, and then m...
sirujux wrote: im watching brian cox, the lead physicist at cern. I didn't know about him, he was a Rockstar and still does drugs Brian Cox is so...
Don;t know if this belongs here, because it's not good news, IT'S FUCKING FANTASTIC. One of Australia's senior barristers, Raymond B...
enjoypolo wrote: For some reason, one of the promising tools out there is TIMEAI, an encryption system developped by Robert Grant and his colleagues a...
Oh shit - I just discovered the Fediverse. It's like being back on the internet in 1995 (without the politeness) and I love it!
I don't know how different the chlorine dioxide is to the MMS, but I haven't had a problem with the taste. Also cured a tooth ache with it last week. ...
shamangineer wrote: The highest resolution programmable timers do go down to cycle times low enough, but do not have enough program space to make the ...
jayiniowa wrote: What book is this from? Hi Jay, the book is "Lands and Peoples, The World in Colour" Volume 7, published by Grolier. It's a bea...
Ok, this one is confirmed as legit! I tried it on myself to see it there were any reactions on my skin, it was fine. Then one of my kids popped ...
Yassss! I don't often fan-girl, but when I do , it's for Nassim Haramein. Greg also mentioned that there was another big name coming up. Taking ...