Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
Mudras for energy boosts and intuition. Here and here Healing with pocket rocks
Israel is also experiencing riots. Ethopian Jews (brought in explicitly to be an underclass) are tired of being murdered.
The gillets jaune are the French 'deplorables'
nickzeptepi wrote: I suggest pick the one that interests you most. I'm sure all his books sorry from the most recent are in the Avalon library l...
I'm guessing you probably know Max Igan, but also check out caitlin johnstone
Yeah, it would drain my batteries to run it 24/7. And I missing something, or does the bilge pump just pump straight up into the vortexing chamb...
You know, he sounds British, but I think he's actually based in Oz too, mate.
I agree, Laura would be a great guest a very good fit for the show.
shamangineer wrote: What they are doing is using the vortex on the surface of the water to break the surface tension to allow the gas exchange. The f...
Hi apereal, I feel you! I have two kids, and moving out bush was a key for me to feel calmer about our situation. My criteria for choosing a location ...