Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
G'Day Wazza, welcome to the gang!
We should make this thread a sticky. Got lots to add, but just start with a couple. Learn how to self-diagnose the Chinese medicine way Lea...
3Slinger, I think you are waiting for a magic formula to awaken people. Like, 9/11 truth + vaccine damage + federal reserve = enlightenment. Sad...
Yeah, all body hair is definitely receptive. When I;m working at my desk my dog usually sits at my feet, when she senses something and gets her hackle...
enjoypolo wrote: My rhetorical question is, could you also use the heat to convert some of that energy back? Heat-exchanger.. Would a solar-po...
I remember a weird story about McAfee a few years back where he was supposedly in a shoot out with the Feds (maybe Interpol?) at his bunker in Costa R...
THANK YOU! Something like this?
Bad Genius - a great film that somehow makes taking tests exciting and funny Lynn, a genius high school student who makes money by cheating tests...
Haha, wow. Just never tell your lady you see her as an 800 pound gorilla, ok? Catherin Austin Fitts did say that what governments fear most is a ...
enjoypolo wrote: The Universe is blasting me with information about biochar DUDE! SAME! We are so in sync recently it's spooky! I'm so in lo...
nickzeptepi wrote: Do to think this orgone accumulator will have any effect on the water? I've sent since intensional to it and asked for ezwater to...
Right on man. The Filternet is here. They're not banning hate speech, they're banning speech they hate. Welcome to the Dissenter's Club.