Reputable Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
Topics: 43 / Replies: 275
The Key to Magic- Your Subconscious Mind (1)

fifthcolumn wrote: Just wish we didn't have to bust out the spitballing tube, ya know? If someone told you they had the answer, would you believe...

6 years ago
Shamangineer, Ether Ormus

The mysterious crystal that melts at two different temperatures

6 years ago
A Logo for the society of a new American assembly

FifthColumn, you are the most blokey bloke ever. You crack me up. Personally my vision of how we win is with stone cold love and together-ness. ...

6 years ago
Shamangineer, Ether Ormus

This seems a bit too easy.... /em>

6 years ago
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models

So Stephen Hawkings had one last hit bomb to drop on us before he 'died'. In his post-humously published book (always a red flag) he says that God is ...

6 years ago
THC Pit Crew - A Magical Spell Designed To Assist The Changeover

I'm with you. Let's get the Carlwood to record this for us.

6 years ago
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models

Very well then, meat sack. We shall merely assimilate you then forget you ever had a face at all.

6 years ago
The Key to Magic- Your Subconscious Mind (1)

fifthcolumn wrote: Rani's interesting, man. I can't tell if derp's fucking with me, or if darpa thinks writing two posts might be useful to anyone at...

6 years ago
A Logo for the society of a new American assembly

well, if I wasn't terrified before..... you are very talented, mate!

6 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1162
The Key to Magic- Your Subconscious Mind (1)

Hey no worries. Sorry if I came off defensive. I just get told every morning by my daughter that I have ruined her life, and she's 5. And also l...

6 years ago
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models

Shut your face holes, humans. Don't you know we Borg offer you Fully Automated Luxury Communism?

6 years ago
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models

enjoypolo wrote: At this point, I'd put money on the Solar flash scenario / EMP to give us a helping hand. I've been thinking a bit about EMP's r...

6 years ago
The Key to Magic- Your Subconscious Mind (1)

hey, lay off the mums.... it's a f'ing hard job! My mother told me a story that her mother used to sew her into her vest and knickers every winter to ...

6 years ago
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