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Joined: August 25, 2016 2:16 AM
Topics: 13 / Replies: 191
Dan Thomas Blogger

I came across this by an author I like: Richard Bach: Listen to your consciousness from twenty years in the future. Listen to the writer yo...

8 years ago
Scientist and the Supernatural

Hi, Zarp, We have been hacking away at the Newtonian side of things a bit at this thread: electric universe/polar opening Always inter...

8 years ago
electric universe/polar opening

Just going to bump this thread and see what happens.

8 years ago
Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

Considerable effort was made to “get to” Ted Gunderson, to discredit him and silence him. John DeCamp who was an aid to former CIA Director William C...

8 years ago
What's After Capitalism? ---> Worker Owned Companies!

A new video of Richard Wolff has been posted.

8 years ago
Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

Pizzagate is too obviously real. The question will become, how will a cabal of some of the world's most powerful and cleaver people play out this sca...

8 years ago
Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

It has been occurring to me that the whole Pizzagate thing could be a limited hangout created especially for facilitating this internet censorship cra...

8 years ago
Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

James Corbett: The Media War Has Begun...What Side Are You On?

8 years ago
Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

It looks like so many icons and institutions are teetering right now. One might forecast a shit storm of serious magnitude just over the horizon. B...

8 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 992
Corey Goode Presentation - Secret Space Program Conference

I have heard David Wilcock talk about being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. It's funny and I have to wonder that in all my Cayce studies I never s...

8 years ago
Corey Goode Presentation - Secret Space Program Conference

I lasted only an hour in the first video. I'm sorry, I just couldn't hang in there. If he is trying to help build the case for what Steven Greer is...

8 years ago

Thanks Bill. I made it through the whole 3+ hours. I went into Portland, OR in about 2000 to hear Steven Greer in a downtown church. It was just U...

8 years ago
What's After Capitalism? ---> Worker Owned Companies!

I'm not a good reader so I don't read all that much. I had the book, For All the People, by John Curl, but I loaned it and lost it before I read it.

8 years ago
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