Noble Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
Topics: 68 / Replies: 958
5 years ago
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Views: 932
Biomimicry & The Blue Economy

enjoypolo wrote: First day on the job, I had a look at the compost bin. Very unorganized and mostly just organic materials shoved in (no layering). ...

5 years ago
The Awesome Film Megapost

Nope, I'll check it out though.

5 years ago
Health Epidemics: Bioweapons, coronavirus..

So it looks like the virus is likely a leak from a lab in Wuhan that was using coronavirus to make an HIV vaccine with US finding.

5 years ago
Health Epidemics: Bioweapons, coronavirus..

MIT recently developed a quantum-dot based vaccine tracking system because of a request from Bill Gates.

5 years ago
Health Epidemics: Bioweapons, coronavirus..

Aside from the virus itself the things that concern me are the economic solution, adulteration of a vaccine, and potential for execution of COG contin...

5 years ago
System Dynamics: Tools to model complex systems

Adam Curtis' All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace is a good introduction to systems theory, cybernetics, and the strange origins of the ecosys...

5 years ago
Shamangineer / Mapping the mind

From the above article: [After much discussion, they decided that a key component of the mind is: “the emergent self-organizing process, both embodi...

5 years ago
James DeMeo | Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy Devices, & The Cosmic Ether

rani wrote: it's ALL ONE, babe! I always think of Doc Bronners when someone says that.

5 years ago
Implosion Tech & Inventions

I am afraid that what is shown in the video and the 1897 patent is not based on vortex technology and therefore is incapable of tapping into the exter...

5 years ago
Implosion Tech & Inventions

I am afraid you will not get much current from a setup like that shown in the video or the 1897 patent. If you got 100mA peak at 12V I would be surpr...

5 years ago
Alternate Periodic Tables

This seems as good a place as any to park this. As it relates to potential evidence of a fluid ether that comprises matter and the possibility subato...

5 years ago
The case for quaternion notation

Quaternion notation is what was used in the original Maxwell equations that were later modified by Heaviside (mentioned in the video) and Hertz into v...

5 years ago
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