Noble Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: March 22, 2022 1:03 AM
Topics: 68 / Replies: 955
best music youve ever heard

No freaking clue what the song is about, but it sounds epic:

5 years ago

Woot, electrogravitics and ether discussed in the mainstream scientific press:

5 years ago
Biomimicry & The Blue Economy

The highest resolution programmable timers do go down to cycle times low enough, but do not have enough program space to make the system constantly ci...

5 years ago
Biomimicry & The Blue Economy

You should use a 12V PWM circuit to control the motor, something similar to this in line with the power supply:

5 years ago

enjoypolo wrote: Some updates on gravity-control/Tesla shield patents by Salvatore Cezar Pais with endorsements by the US Navy, courtesy of Michael Sa...

5 years ago
The Awesome Film Megapost

Yeah, I wasn't really interested. Other than the Kill Bill movies and Pulp Fiction I haven't been much of a fan. Evidently he is working on some sor...

5 years ago

An excellent presentation by Paul A Laviolette on electrogravitics, dynamic ether theory, subquantum kinetics, evidence of T.T. Brown working on class...

5 years ago
Inquiry into Human trafficking and child abuse: Epstein, ITNJ..

If I had to bet on what's going on in the media is that there is a bit of a feeding frenzy. There is just such an abundance of shady shenanigans surr...

5 years ago
Inquiry into Human trafficking and child abuse: Epstein, ITNJ..

Jeffrey Epstein's death is shaping up to be a big red pill. I've heard folks who normally call every conspiracy wack-a-doodle and who avidly avoid m...

5 years ago
Ben Davidson: Space Weather & Sun

The center of our galaxy is rumbling, it just gave off a burst of 75X it's normal light.

5 years ago
Perpetual Lamps

Here is another account from Iamblichus in 100 A.D. describing tubes that lit the underground passages in Egypt and leaked a silver-colored fluid whic...

5 years ago

Great paper, thanks for the link enjoypolo. Ludicrous speed is not so ludicrous.

5 years ago
Biomimicry & The Blue Economy

rani wrote: My lil vortexer. See how beautifully it runs without any power. While I've been playing with it I noticed the interplay between the v...

6 years ago
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