Last seen: March 22, 2022 1:03 AM
rani wrote: Yes, another great episode. Greg is killing it. Listening to Dr. Pollack on electrostactics made me wonder what would happen if you m...
rani wrote: Yeah, it would drain my batteries to run it 24/7. And I missing something, or does the bilge pump just pump straight up into the vort...
fifthcolumn wrote: You goddamn deep thinkers'll kill us in the end. I gotta get ten knuckle draggers across the finish line. I can't teach em hokey ...
fifthcolumn wrote: you should steep yourself in whatever tradition is being borrowed from in order to relate it to your personal metaphysics. ...
Welcome to the 21st century, where fundamental aspects of Maxwell's equations are new discoveries: "Scientists have long known about such prop...
Do they teach any permaculture in the agriculture courses down there? I know it's pretty popular compared with the rest of the world.
Sorry to hear that. I think the blessings will help. If you aren't going down a specific spiritual path (I don't blame you) and are cobbling togethe...
rani wrote: Thanks, that is a great explanation. I think that the drop might have an impact on the design as I think they said you don't really want a...
An excellent story on lack of freedom in and out of the workplace due to employment tyranny.
Jesse Ventura on Hong Kong protests and the oil tanker attack:
boydd wrote: I can't find PM... Start a conversation under your profile.
rani wrote: in terms of aeration of the compost tea, does the surface area of the container make a difference? My options are an old bath tub or anoth...