Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
Jesse Ventura on Hong Kong protests and the oil tanker attack:
boydd wrote: I can't find PM... Start a conversation under your profile.
rani wrote: in terms of aeration of the compost tea, does the surface area of the container make a difference? My options are an old bath tub or anoth...
Yes, all waste. Each transition between conduction and insulation in the transistor uses energy and heat is a byproduct. Gotta dump it to keep the c...
I think the word you are looking for is Dorje: I would think the lamp would most likely be using some formulation of exotic matter (perhaps mi...
Don Nance at Ocean Alchemy.
br /> The ship's owner says that the crew saw something fly into the oil tanker, contracting Trump's assertion that speedboats with Iranian mines we...
enjoypolo wrote: June 14 headlines: - US/Pompeo stages false flag attack on Japanese Oil tanker, blaming Iran for the provocation while Japan’s PM A...
rani wrote: THANK YOU! Something like this? Just remember the inrush current to a motor can be twice the normal current. If you are in the ...
McAffee would be doubling down hard. It's one thing to have a dangerously incompetent boob as President, it's something else to have a dangerously co...
McAffee 2020 - Because batshit crazy rich megalomaniacs make the best leaders.