Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
Only a person who lacks a healthy love of self is accepting of abusive relationships. It is about having the correct balance of the two in order to l...
Musk abandons rail-based vacuum tubes of tomorrow at hundreds of miles per hour for one-lane car tunnels with cars going 130 mph.
This will sound cliche, but love is all there really is at the deepest level. It becomes differentiated into love of self and love of other where it ...
90's: br /> br /> br /> br />
Puddles, Believer:
Tesla's lane changing lags behind human drivers:
enjoypolo wrote: 😮 /blockquote> Love the hair! He sure can tickle the ivories.
An interesting material made from treated wood could significantly reduce cooling costs and has similar strength to that of steel:
rani wrote: There's some weird in-fighting going on. NASA and NOAA are pushing back against the 5G rollout citing interference with weather mapping sa...