Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
hisich wrote: Oh the irony... Oh the tyranny of having your voice heard!
hisich wrote: You're either trolling me or suffer from a severe case of cognitive dissonance...in the post that started this thread I listed the facts...
hisich wrote: Every time I hear some chuckle-head yammer on about how great democracy is I think of this: The average person is not as d...
Tune in to the joint session for more water alchemy action.
On a related note:
Epic rap battles: br /> br /> br /> br />
I may also have something for songs about mullets. . . br /> br /> br /> br />
Well the person I am speaking of wasn't the result of ritual abuse, just a dirtbag. No,that's too kind - I like dirt, just a shitbag.
Case in point: br /> I actually saw Wesley Willis live in a building surrounded by old vending machines with carpet hung on the walls and ragged...
Atom and his package: br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> I do have a bit of a warm place in my heart for songs that sound like they were jotted d...
rani wrote: Additionally, most of the people I know who practice it professionally were by far the most traumatised people I know. YMMV of course. I ...
This is what unrestrained capitalism has wrought:
I'm guessing you are one of those people who are not overly encumbered by a need to reflect on your actions.
How bills really become law: br /> This is part of the creep of the totalitarian private sphere into the democratic public sphere spoken of in t...
Be ready to have your head explode if you actually bother to watch this video by a Libertarian Marxist Economic Politicianbr /> I get off where h...