Noble Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
Topics: 68 / Replies: 958
'Unrestrained Capitalism'???!!! WTF R U CLOWNS SMOKING???

hisich wrote: Oh the irony... Oh the tyranny of having your voice heard!

6 years ago
'Unrestrained Capitalism'???!!! WTF R U CLOWNS SMOKING???

hisich wrote: You're either trolling me or suffer from a severe case of cognitive the post that started this thread I listed the facts...

6 years ago
'Unrestrained Capitalism'???!!! WTF R U CLOWNS SMOKING???

hisich wrote: Every time I hear some chuckle-head yammer on about how great democracy is I think of this: The average person is not as d...

6 years ago
Water Science: Water Alchemy Part II!

Tune in to the joint session for more water alchemy action.

6 years ago

On a related note:

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

Epic rap battles: br /> br /> br /> br />

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

I may also have something for songs about mullets. . . br /> br /> br /> br />

6 years ago
Weaponizing Cognitive Dissonance

Well the person I am speaking of wasn't the result of ritual abuse, just a dirtbag. No,that's too kind - I like dirt, just a shitbag.

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

Case in point: br /> I actually saw Wesley Willis live in a building surrounded by old vending machines with carpet hung on the walls and ragged...

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

Atom and his package: br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> I do have a bit of a warm place in my heart for songs that sound like they were jotted d...

6 years ago
Weaponizing Cognitive Dissonance

rani wrote: Additionally, most of the people I know who practice it professionally were by far the most traumatised people I know. YMMV of course. I ...

6 years ago
'Unrestrained Capitalism'???!!! WTF R U CLOWNS SMOKING???

This is what unrestrained capitalism has wrought:

6 years ago
7 Questions for UBI Proponents

I'm guessing you are one of those people who are not overly encumbered by a need to reflect on your actions.

6 years ago
'Unrestrained Capitalism'???!!! WTF R U CLOWNS SMOKING???

How bills really become law: br /> This is part of the creep of the totalitarian private sphere into the democratic public sphere spoken of in t...

6 years ago
'Unrestrained Capitalism'???!!! WTF R U CLOWNS SMOKING???

Be ready to have your head explode if you actually bother to watch this video by a Libertarian Marxist Economic Politicianbr /> I get off where h...

6 years ago
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