Last seen: March 22, 2022 1:03 AM
yes, but It will be friable and liable to breakage which would require frequent maintenance unless in a static location and doesn't get bumped (which ...
br /> From below to source it locally it would make the most sense to find an Indian specialty food shop and ask if they know somewhere you might be...
An article on chirality and life:
The scientific term is chirality, it deals rotational orientation about an axis.
It has been a while since I checked in, what a trove! Great job Enjoypolo on dropping the 411 for the masses. I thank you on their behalf.
Sweet dude, I dig it.
The last word doesn't make the best word.
Weeds and trees have such an important role to play in the landscape with regard to water and soil biome activity. The most productive landscapes are...
It will be interesting to see him run with both of his feet in his mouth.
Unfunded liabilities are hornswoggle: No private healthcare?? You must be joking, or utterly clueless. The rest of the industrial world has ...