Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
It will be interesting to see him run with both of his feet in his mouth.
Unfunded liabilities are hornswoggle: No private healthcare?? You must be joking, or utterly clueless. The rest of the industrial world has ...
hisich wrote: You literally support Debtor's Prisons... A debtor's prison is for people who are unable to pay debt where their stay is tied to...
"Cost estimates that consider the difference between upfront and real cost are a fraction of inflated gross cost estimates. For instance, economist an...
hisich wrote: Well, it doesn't take much effort to answer straight-forward Q's...which Shamangineer really didn't even accomplish.
I'm guessing it won't be long before I get one of these:
hisich wrote: OK, so you want me to accept that a massive welfare programs involving 100,000,000's (or possibly BILLIONS) of people, run by a central ...
Oh for fucks sake! hisich wrote: As the Establishment & its political puppets continue promoting the idea of UBI--for surely nefarious reasons--I...
You should make a recording of what she says to refer to later.
hisich wrote: People getting money for 'free' (i.e., not earning it) is welfare in my book. I'm surprised that you dishonestly came w/a chart of only...
The recent rise in oil prices should not be surprising given Venezuela's supply has been severely limited by credit sanctions, and Saudi Arabia keepin...
You count healthcare and pensions as welfare? Jesus dude. Since you posted about the deficit twice, I suppose I should say it twice but a lot of...
hisich wrote: If everyone (or most people) are simply given $1000/month, wouldn't the cost of goods/services simply rise by a corresponding amount, th...