Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
hisich wrote: Not sure what you're talking about when you say folks making $50K/year are paying so little for welfare & social security. Taxation is ...
hisich wrote: ...and if you have to use the 'tool' of slavery in order to create your risk-free world so be it! There would absolutely still be r...
It seems that some assume that only a cynical interpretation of the word universal is possible. Slavery is bad, mmkay. Freedom is guud. That fr...
What it's like being on welfare:
hisich wrote: OK, so no answer! No, Enjopolo references a very detailed response. Ignoring something doesn't make it non-existent. hisich w...
Haha, just keep your eyes peeled on the plus page and be ready to bear wetness.
If you think that's gonna be good, hold onto your shorts! Manna from heaven is over the horizon.
rani wrote: Question also for shamangineer - if ether is the medium through which EM waves propagate, and organite has an effect on the ether, surely ...
The Navy is now logging UFO sightings after increased reports from pilots:
"Safe-ish" autopilot with "Mad Max" mode being developed. So is the next Tesla going to have half a VW bug welded on the back? Musk must be hu...
nickzeptepi wrote: A US Navy scientist named Salvatore Cezar Pais has filed a patent for an unusual flying craft that employs an "inertial mass ...
greatshakes wrote: I didn't know (or had forgotten) about Rockefeller and his bag of dimes. If true, that is an oddly horrifying detail. It seems to b...
Evidence that the standard periodic table is probably wrong: