Noble Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
Topics: 68 / Replies: 958
Bullshit Jobs

Dannix, another interesting thread to pull at with water and power is the Joe cell and solid-state Jenny Cell. If these were refined and combined wit...

6 years ago
CIA coup in Venezuela

And as Greg always says: Boom goes the dynamite. Venezuela: Juan Guaido will open up oil deals to foreign private companies, opposition leader’s U...

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

I will admit I have a fondness for Irish pubs, fine live music, and fiddlery: br /> br /> br /> br />

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

I recommend the entire The Ownership Society album by Main Sequence: br /> In a similar vein: br /> br /> br />

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

Wax Taylor: br /> br /> br /> br />

6 years ago
Bullshit Jobs

dannix wrote: That's good to hear as I've usually gone career mode seeking large companies for job security (oops that was BS) Now I normally got 7 - ...

6 years ago
Shamangineer / Mapping the mind

thwolf wrote: Righto, I have a question that I haven't been able to find the answer to. Perhaps I haven't asked the right questions while looking...

6 years ago
Bullshit Jobs

Here is another talk by David Graeber about the history of technology and the rise of bureaucratic systems as a societal counterbalance and steering m...

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

Calypso oldies but goodies: br /> br /> br /> br />

6 years ago
Let's talk ESP: Remote Viewing, Pre-cogs, TK, etc.

I have also had some vivid deja vu experiences where I dreamed something happened like a few seconds of perspective and then had it repeated in real l...

6 years ago
Let's talk ESP: Remote Viewing, Pre-cogs, TK, etc.

enjoypolo wrote: whether it's pre-cog, RV, or synchronicities, is it fair to think that these are all sub-categories of Aether/Field science? Wasn't...

6 years ago
6 years ago
Let's talk ESP: Remote Viewing, Pre-cogs, TK, etc.

I don't really do remote viewing in the classic sense. While researching I do feel like I will gain some flashes of insight that are beyond the avail...

6 years ago
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