Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
It sounds like an intervention my be in the works:
Here is an article about Guaido's past.
dannix wrote: Here it's said that the Scalar (longitudal) waves are the damaging component of wireless communication yet it's said that Telsa used Sca...
With regard to Schauberger, I know that quite a few processes have been claimed to be improved from vortexed water. A decent way of doing this on a b...
Why the Libertarian ideals related to freedom is not enough to ensure individual liberty:
Psychedelic rock from the land of ayahuasca:
On Michaelson-Morely:
joshhinnenkamp wrote: One of the funnier clips out there is Max Blumenthal walking through a supermarket in Caracas, showing how the supermarkets "hav...
enjoypolo wrote: Speaking of the devil, this was published by Michael Salla today. I am highly skeptical of all things Q.
hisich wrote: The next 10-20 years are going to be interesting, eh...? They always are.
A serenade to bring you into the fold, muhahahahaha!
hisich wrote: I have some compassion for ignorant/dumb people who make bad decisions (like loading up on student loan debt to pay for an overpriced/un...
I would certainly be wary of what billionares would propose on this front - specifically structuring it to eliminate current benefits and provide less...
hisich wrote: Emotionally-maniupalitive garbage... I would say that quote applies more to your arguments than to Enjoypolos heartfelt plea for ci...
hisich wrote: Yeah...maybe you can explain what "unrestrained capitalism" has to do w/the State-monopolized education system...? A lot! John ...