Noble Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: February 12, 2025 2:35 AM
Topics: 68 / Replies: 958
best music youve ever heard

Sweet music, an epic sidebeard, and chill chickens. What more could you want? A stumpchair to recline against perhaps? The sounds of a wild animal b...

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

The music for this one is pretty good, but the visuals are awesome. br /> Both of these are damn good: br />

6 years ago
Shamangineer / Mapping the mind

Not so sure about the biblical connotations, but interesting none the less.

6 years ago
Scott Santens: Universal Basic Income

hisich wrote: Student loans are paid off multiple times before you are done. Libor is not your friend. Nevermind that there are many place...

6 years ago
Scott Santens: Universal Basic Income

hisich wrote: The business practices of the student loan industry are completely corrupt and reprehensible. Kickbacks, fraud, lies, distortion,...

6 years ago
Scott Santens: Universal Basic Income

hisich wrote: Those living in poverty do not pay for welfare.

6 years ago
Scott Santens: Universal Basic Income

hisich wrote: Oh, but I do get it... I'm an engineer dipshit, I make things that power our society, saves people's lives, don't kill anyone in...

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

rani wrote: and if you are ever feeling stuck for new tunes, get your ass over to France for the worlds greatest radio station. That's a great...

6 years ago
best music youve ever heard

Cosmo Sheldrake is the son of the physicist Rupert Sheldrake of morphic field fame. br />

6 years ago
Heloo from the UK

It's like resonance, man. Your vibes mixed with their vibes. Rock on.

6 years ago

I have had similar thinking about the appropriate trajectory for science fiction/steampunk/cyberpunk literature. Enough warnings about the dystopia, ...

6 years ago
Scott Santens: Universal Basic Income

It's pretty clear you have never been burdened with an abundance of education or knowledge so I understand if you don't get it.

6 years ago
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