Last seen: December 19, 2024 5:06 AM
Day 49 fully on the mend and putting off crazy funk and terps IMG_2655.jpeg
Day 42 Overfed and mute locked them for a few days and they got a little pissed but back on the mend for the end of this week. Starting to fatte...
day 35 Just added the living soil and am foliar feeding with compost tea. Fun fact, the largest cola is on the middle plant and is plumping to b...
Day 28 of flower Living soil hasn't arrived yet so please take into account this is the worst the system will ever do. Ah well. They turned the corn...
day 21 of flower in all aeroponic grow. next week will add in the living soil to boost the last 4-5 weeks. Ideally that would have been done from tran...
Worlds smallest budding cannabis plant! I took the top off a clone that was in my diy aero cloner and stuck it in the larger system. Two weeks late...
I'm in Aurora area