Last seen: June 22, 2024 9:38 PM
Tool - Rosetta Stoned
the proplex isn't easy. shattered glass in damascus wondering why this is my mind at max? should i give my sorry.. this is the rewrite. because everyt...
fire right here... rage and they say the say the sun isn't death the death is me i die before because I'm becomining all that i am
what you going to do with this freedom.. I'm going to speak till my throat soars.
i thought i was typing this on Facebook and i was waisting time. maybe someone will read this on this forum and learn something. i really hate Faceb...
fuck spelling. if i spent half my life learning about life instead of this word shit id maybe be less crazy. ok maybe not, there is nothing that coul...
if area 51 didn't have anything to do with how we live †oday (that was weird, i guess i pressed alt ant and got a cross) we want to know why we are t...
well nintendo is still not ready to play dvd's. i thought it was going to work because it works on the shield and that is the same hardware br />...
i had $2:50 and the beer was like $2:59 and there was enough pennies in the dish to get it. the dream that was so real of someone slowly killing them...
i just got done making my setup into a video watching and music playing thing. i forgot i had a free old mac mini and i hooked up my exturnal dvd...
I don't know how agenda 21 would work since everyone knows that the us is falling apart and if all the sudden something happens where everything is ok...
that reminds me im a grunt or whatever. grunt star seed in a animal human state to be exact heh