Last seen: June 22, 2024 9:38 PM
id do it if I could get down there yolo
I watched a thing just now about how people are less happy now and that's true but also not because if everyone isn't happy then you get groups of ide...
so hung over bt its funny on a forum I said the pic wont show up because it would brake our monitors. I said that last night this morning my tv ...
dam this is what happens if you speed. take life slow. don't run in to a soccermoms van going 100 mph or whatever.
when someone dies you fimf another clue... hees a alien race that is ina dimention that a houce can become a fuckin city. people on dmt know about i...
ive been a little messed up because my favoret aunt died. mad I wanted to see her again. sad nut dam.
you can have some momes you meet. or you have people you meet thrn they are gone. like that, they and u brout you hear.
if you think about it a mom is relly you. making thing happen. its rel scary that's why you have a short memory and that sort little memory is used ag...
ok its cool maybe, im playing angels of death while playing this
well fuck that bullshit. I love girls but they fucking drive me insaine.
if wasn't for moms would we be here?
I even should be telling my mom life is chaotic. well she eas after me a few times crazy shit.
sadly my life changed when this person that was amazing killed himself. way back in the day. likw 15 years ago, best person, how could he die? I saw...
you probably made it happen to have a sub to this show again. no matter what I say or do is stuped. it is like a sheat of metal that bends. it bend...
I just found out that I got a subscription of thc. I had to say over because I dant have control of my money. im pretty weak in this reality. well i...