Honorable Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: June 22, 2024 9:38 PM
Topics: 27 / Replies: 611
Elon Musk: Coming out of the closet?

kinda funny people are calling him a simp.

5 years ago
5 years ago
The Awesome Film Megapost

nickzeptepi wrote: Have you read the book? It's a free pdf download, 200+ pages but the style of writing is great if almost reads like a magical spell...

5 years ago
The Awesome Film Megapost

i liked it. The strange story of David Huggins, a 74 year-old man who claims to have had a lifetime of encounters with otherworldly beings br />...

5 years ago
Elon Musk: Coming out of the closet?

weird story about elon musk @ 21 min.

5 years ago
Elon Musk: Coming out of the closet?

often i hear about new thing getting sent off to space, why cant we have nice things on earth instead of losing money all the time?

5 years ago
Elon Musk: Coming out of the closet?

sirujux wrote: this is old but pretty crazy doesnt exist anymore. it was talking about how elon is a robot. every year it seem like its clos...

5 years ago
my city ideas

fiverr is ae good place for cheep.

5 years ago
my city ideas

i drew it on paper and then made it look nice on the computer.

5 years ago
enki and oregon

hearing channeling is pretty weird, with ivan teller ive heard there could be a building with good energy and across the street there could be a build...

5 years ago
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