Reputable Member
Joined: March 3, 2021 2:47 PM
Last seen: March 6, 2025 11:48 AM
Topics: 20 / Replies: 212
Bill Cosby Insta Post + Symbolism

A.Lo wrote: Totally. Glad you shared. I'm pretty disconnected from msm, but it's nice to see updates in a more contained platform. Because ya....

4 years ago
Bill Cosby Insta Post + Symbolism

A.Lo wrote: Yuck. Wow, very creepy. Nice share. Definitely the triangle of manifestation. Like JayZ's rak diamond. Power collection mudra to a...

4 years ago
love a good chat

Welcome welcome

4 years ago
Congratulations to Mrs Carlwood & Greg

Whoooop! Congrats to you both!!!!!

4 years ago
Joint Session Shows Thread

fifthcolumn wrote: I TOTALLY agree with this. Commies get a bad rap because they weren't doin it right. Communism is a "sharing" style of economi...

4 years ago
Joint Session Shows Thread

Just listening to the latest joint sessions...not gna lie, this man, Jasper's explanation about masculine and feminine and saying oh not that there's ...

4 years ago
Michael Sandler | Automatic Writing, Channeling Guides, & The Magical Universe

Its remarkable that hes interacted with sooo many arch angels...

4 years ago
Artists of THC and NFTs

halcyone wrote: Ah awesome - thanks for your comments about the artwork- really appreciated and it means a lot. Yes - my Instagram is ‘SCLplus arti...

4 years ago
Dr. Tom Zinser | Sub-Personalities, Entity Attachment, & Gerod

Just finished listening to this and really enjoyed it. Recently I've been reading the sufi message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, vol 1 and there's a lot of c...

4 years ago
Artists of THC and NFTs

halcyone wrote: I’m similar I think. I love making watercolours, the process is so pleasing visually (on psychedelics woooooooooow). I have a massi...

4 years ago
Pierre Sabak - Holographic Culture, Angelic Sailors & The Divine Invasion

lowertopmute wrote: I believe he knows what he is talking about and assume he is better at writing than speaking about the subject. The show felt l...

4 years ago
I Rave for Corn Dogs

jdaneway wrote: I was pescatarian for many years after they sold mad-cow beef at my local grocery and called me to tell me to throw away any meat i...

4 years ago
4 years ago
My Personal Covid Echo Chamber

Ok I've identified whats "funny" about these obsessed folk on Instagram. Some are purely for the cause but some really enjoy the attention they get...

4 years ago
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