Reputable Member
Joined: March 3, 2021 2:47 PM
Last seen: March 6, 2025 11:48 AM
Topics: 20 / Replies: 212
Vaccine effects on reproductive system/menstrual cycle of both vaccinated and unvaccinated

dingus wrote: Update from my family: my 7 year old daughter has developed puberty induced under arm hair and odor. Pediatrician says it can happen...

4 years ago
Retired military generals warning and petition.

This is gna be such a shit show. From the article you posted which links the two: " Rather, they will be transnational wars waged between fr...

4 years ago
Get Vaccinated or...

In the UK they report 50% of the population has had the first dose at least. I just don't believe the numbers

4 years ago
Get Vaccinated or...

Its desperate bullshit

4 years ago
Living under occupation

Yh this thing we are in is an emotional rollercoaster. Some days I wake up feeling energised and ready to face the world. Many days I just don't...

4 years ago
Covid Songs

Well that song was an emotional rollercoaster. I didn't know whether to laugh or feel sad. Here are my contribution, slightly different tempo LOL ...

4 years ago

Interesting perspective

4 years ago
Good News re Mask Mandates

jh1517 wrote: Most definitely. On one side you have what they were trying to accomplish with the mandates (certainly not disease control--at which ...

4 years ago
Help with repeating number synchronicity?

I don't know anything about this topic however I reckon if you can't find your answer in the physical world, maybe it would help to meditate on the an...

4 years ago
Vaccine effects on reproductive system/menstrual cycle of both vaccinated and unvaccinated

Some more anecdotes reported on mainstream news This woman is so brainwashed that even though she estimated losing between 24-32 ounces of ...

4 years ago
Why I listen to Greg and not Alex

Hmmm, thats disappointing to hear about Alex. But i recently came across Tom Cowan, and I was really getting into what he's saying about water howev...

4 years ago
Has anyone successfully convinced a friend or family member to not get jabbed? How did you do it?

Its starting to get me down that people who I thought wouldn't take it are taking it. I have various religious friends and have seen that there are ...

4 years ago
Vaccine effects on reproductive system/menstrual cycle of both vaccinated and unvaccinated

I posted this on a women's forum I use and so many women are coming forward to say that they have experienced messed up cycles, spotting, two periods ...

4 years ago
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