Last seen: March 4, 2025 7:42 PM
I really enjoyed this episode Reflects a lot of what I've been going through in recent years
Some more protests to uplift the spirits And this is today in the UK Live feed:
emmakblakehotmail-com wrote: I got it 3 weeks ago on Amazon kindle…I wonder has that changed?? To be fair i was searching for a hard copy. ...
Really enjoyed this, will get the book! Hm just checked and its not available in the uk on amazon or book depository
Hi Irene
Hey man welcome 🙂
Found this site yesterday, was updated a couple days ago, gives information on countries with the least covid restrictions around the world
"Decentraland is one of several VR platforms that Metaverse Property offers listings, which include commercial spaces, homes, hangout spots and art ga...
Also I was binge watching one show yesterday and noticed two things which alarmed me 1. Every ad break was selling over the counter contraceptive...
Well that was a rollercoaster ride
Today I made a hasty decision out of rage Not that deep really, there are no real consequences but I'm really upset that I reacted. I'm in a gr...
Just seen this on sosh
I LOVE this idea
Theres another one going on today if anyone's interested... "Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s November 19, 2021 Full Moon (08:58 GMT/...