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Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: August 31, 2022 6:05 AM
Topics: 4 / Replies: 11
What happened to Mud Flood, Time reset, & Tartara?

What it it's a honeypot? A diversion deliberately setup to send good minds off on a wild goose chase? Some of the stuff looks very convincing - Paris...

5 years ago
Segment on coping with these troubling times?

1. Personal well-being has to be first - if we're not taking care of ourselves, we can't be of service anywhere else a. Lots of isolation persona...

5 years ago
Need a red pill playlist please

Oh Foxy, you're so right, especially on #1. Thank you so very much!

5 years ago
Need a red pill playlist please

Thanks EP - you've always been a great help. My struggle has been close to home lately, so I'm going to consume some content in person with these fol...

5 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1030
Dr. Gregory L. Little | Denisovan Origins: The Giants, The Mounds, & The Path of Souls

-- a good Dr. Little presentation. It's amazing how so much of this has been overlooked. I'm also glad that he's not even like Graham H. laying out...

5 years ago
Dr. Gregory L. Little | Denisovan Origins: The Giants, The Mounds, & The Path of Souls

Fantastic conversation, thanks Greg! Will be diving into his books now - glad to hear you keeping this theme going through the years. Would lov...

5 years ago
Water Science: Water Alchemy Part II!

Enjoypolo - you're in the heart of the land of star forts too! This map has so many tagged: You wonder why I posted t...

6 years ago
Is plus back up on iTunes??.

UPDATE - I fixed it on my iPhone by deleting the old one and adding the plus show URL again (shows | edit | add by URL )

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 925
Aquatic Ape Theory

Nice synchronicity there S - I just came across that one too. Still TBD on why our hair grows so dang long off our heads, that seems like a bug in th...

6 years ago
Water Science: Water Alchemy Part II!

Hey Shamangineer - I lost the name of that crazy root that twists upstream, what is that? I'd love to see if we could scan and recreate it with a 3D ...

6 years ago
Kelly Jones: Alex Jones' Ex-Wife

Y'all have heard the one that Alex is really Bill Hicks right? Followed the same program as Jim Morrison --> Rush Limbaugh. In hindsight, he was a v...

6 years ago