Nice lead. 111 W Houston St. - a very magical number, besides its obvious connection to the magical 11, 111 = 3 x 37 111 has only 4 divisors (t...
I agree that it's a maze, and a decoy, and a puzzle wrapped in an enigma, BUT I think writing off the whole situation just because it's obvious that T...
metalegs - yes, that is just what I mean! Right brains are just what we need to re-learn how to listen. The idea that homonyms have different meanings...
Okay, so we know these Nazi Paperclip guys went to Antarctica right before "going to the moon," so they clearly had other things on their minds. In co...
I'll probably listen to all three of the past Shamangineer shows a few more times. This one was like a useful reference book. Thanks for your hard wor...
Crrow believes in his own ability to observe and to reason, and he probably also believes that there are truths that can be known through personal obs...
This seed word is all over the lessons of mythology. In the temple of P'tah, the “Chief of Artificers” was called KhORp-Hemtiu. Thor's hammer is CRAft...
I love this one. Any weirdo stories from indigenous elders and I'm in! Pretty interesting how these stories seems to line up with a lot of other myths...
Thanks for grabbing that footage. This perspective certainly ties together the nefarious narrative of the oil oligarchy. Man, those kind of autom...
The news-media-montage was definitely the give-away. This guy is scripted into the public view; they want us to know about him for some reason. T...
That was definitely a jaw dropper - or a headphone-dropper, more like; it was just painful to listen to Jan yelling for around an hour straight, and w...
Oh man, I was hoping to get Jan on, not realizing that he had already appeared. These comments are disappointing; I'll have to listen to it anyway. Al...