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Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: June 13, 2024 1:25 PM
Topics: 29 / Replies: 133
How do you think? Do you hear a voice

orchid20 wrote: This is pretty interesting to think about... When I think of a song, it will play in my head as a backdrop to my conscious tho...

3 years ago
How do you think? Do you hear a voice

This is a fascinating topic to toss around! First, for me, my thoughts in words are in my head. It’s me but I don’t recognize it as my speaking voi...

3 years ago
Civil Disobedience - WA State Ferries

This is very encouraging.

3 years ago

Don’t be too hard on yourself over not fighting hard enough for your family. The outcome of that fight could have alienated you from them rather than...

3 years ago
List of lawyers by state who fight C19 mandates

orchid20 wrote: Unfortunately none in Oregon on this list yet: Excellent resource. Great find! Thank you.

3 years ago
Migrants detention centers

EmGhee22 wrote: Hello guys! So to refresh the subject now that a few months have let this whole debacle unfold... what say ye of the fact that...

3 years ago
Migrants detention centers

orchid20 wrote: This may sound kind of wacky, but if I wanted to go all out with disaster capitalizing on a country, I would first infiltrate, bla...

3 years ago
White House announces new upcoming big mandates

Civil war won’t be very profitable for Billy but bottom line, I don’t think they care how they take us out. I’m counting on your BS call being ri...

3 years ago
Oregon - statistics

jdaneway wrote: Ya, the nursing home thing is complicated for sure. My grandmother has RA and has take hydroxychloroquine for years. I don't recomm...

3 years ago
Oregon - statistics

I was born in MN, grew up in OR and been back in Mn the past 40 yrs. I’m guilty of correcting ppl who don’t say Orygun. There seems to be a lot of M...

3 years ago

putridgospel wrote: 612 fam, where you at? I’m right here on the north side. It’s a wild ride, that’s for sure.

3 years ago
Me at my vaxxed friends rn

tacosalad wrote: People keep saying this is about protecting the immunocompromised, but if they can't go anywhere and can't do anything, how is tha...

3 years ago
data for changing minds

jh1517 wrote: I worked at a hostpital when all of this started [research side, not clinical]. What really woke me up was when they started cutting ...

3 years ago
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