Hi Akimodo -- Well I'm not patient but I do love to read! Thanks again for providing such good material on these forums.
I don't fish, but I checked out your Etsy store because I appreciate hand made things. Looking at the close up photos, these are beautiful little wor...
Def no lawyer either, but as a former small business owner, I'd suggest not getting hung up on administrative details so early in the game. You might...
I highly recommend M Scott Peck "People of The Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil" I read this book about 25 years ago, but I don't remember th...
I don't know the intentions of the maker of this object, but for me the dividing lines between each triangle are an allusion to the passage of time in...
Your initiative is inspiring! Good luck to you and your business. Where are you based?
(Jumping in late!) Akimondo: I find your thoroughness and logic refreshing. Really short posts don't provide as much intellectual stimulation. I wi...
@Above is below ~ Your message about seeking out "nature" when things get too heavy really resonates with me. It's a good way to achieve perspective ...
Hey Jeff, I know of someone with a BA in religious studies whose first job out of college was being a group facilitator for a non-profit which he...