Eminent Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: June 24, 2022 7:21 AM
Topics: 3 / Replies: 41
I Rave for Corn Dogs

jdaneway wrote: I try to eat all organic and grow some of my own vegetables (difficult in Tucson) and even permacultured my last yard, but I have a...

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

jh1517 wrote: He randomly attacked my post on the John Michael Greer show too. Sadly, I think this is just an end stage reaction which many pe...

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

dylansdad wrote: You people are too much. Granted, I just joined because I liked a few of Greg's shows on YOUTUBE. But the entirely separate cult ...

3 years ago
This Place is Pathetic!

Oh, good, he didn't just reply to my post. Also, you came to a conspiracy forum to rant against conspiracies... wut??? You clearly haven't liste...

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

sirujux wrote: im glad im not one of the cool people that got the vax. it means im going to a place when i die thats not the popular choice people...

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

fujenly wrote: Thank you for vulnerability. That takes courage! For the pit in your stomach - I have had success over the past months with each of ...

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

ciupka666 wrote: Awesome name, tacosalad, love it! I sure as fuck ain't no enlightened master on Planet Insanity, but I may have a few ideas to all...

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

jdaneway wrote: Thank you! I totally understand. I hope there will be more tolerance - people are different and have different reasons not to want ...

3 years ago
Turn on, Tune in, Drop Out

Dude, you are spot on. I resonate so fully with this right now. I will have more to add when I'm more fully awake, though, it's late here..

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

fireslinger wrote: I've been fortunate enough to work from home since way before this covid nonsense, so thankfully I'm not facing work pressures. ...

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

jh1517 wrote: I basically lost all of my friends over this whole mess. Truly chilling just how much this has revealed that, as you say, those "who...

3 years ago
The new normal sucks!

jdaneway wrote: I support your rights to choose. There is a fundamental shift in philosophy with this vaccine campaign. Medical ethics was founded ...

3 years ago
Replies: 38
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