Joined: July 2, 2014 6:29 AM
Last seen: September 18, 2024 5:10 PM
Topics: 26 / Replies: 299
New Member dts51sound

Right on! Josh was a great one. Thanks for the support, and good luck on your show!

8 years ago
Hi there!

Much appreciated! Hope you enjoy the extra hours!

8 years ago
Thank you THC!

Thanks! That was quiet an experience! You named some of my favorite subjects too, even thought they've sort of been one-off topics. I think we're...

8 years ago
Hola a todos! Preston here

Definitely good questions to ask when absorbing information from a presenter, but I think it's easy to start being TOO skeptical. It can get to a para...

8 years ago
Howdy hoe =)

Well thanks for listening and for the support!

8 years ago
Greetings and Salutations!

Yikes, that's a guy I wouldn't trust after the whole Polio/SV40 thing, but very interesting! I feel like I've heard about a lot of cures/advancements ...

8 years ago
New from the UK

Thanks! Even I don't love every episode, but I'm getting better and knowing how to get the best out of a subject, or trying at least.

8 years ago
Hi guys, from Australia.

Yeah man, welcome and thanks for joining Plus! I'm going to be upgrading the forum soon and I think that will make them a bit more user friendly, it's...

8 years ago
Long time listener, new to the forums!

Hey! You named all my favorite guests too! Deep state and the Occult, a serious THC sweet spot. Thanks and welcome!

8 years ago

Nice! Josh is coming back soon to talk about his new book on smells in strange encounters! The forum was jacked up for a while, and I was having a har...

8 years ago
Hello Greg and forums!

Thanks to all three of you! The support means a lot and I appreciate how optimistic you are about THC's future. I'm hopeful too. I definitely remember...

8 years ago
Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

Ah I didn't see this beforehand. I still lean towards Pizzagate being real, even thought it can be co-opted and used against us. (and it is, right now...

8 years ago
Miles Williams Mathis

Interesting! I'd like to have Miles on, and I understand the skepticism, but I have a real hard time with these overly dramatic guests. Some rea...

8 years ago
Recent fan from Vancouver

Thanks man, great story. Free Energy and Universal Basic Income are some of my favorite topics, but it seems rational guests are a little scarce. Let ...

8 years ago
Greetings from Costa Rica 🙂

Right on, all topics I have a great interest in too. Bill Cooper was the man. Congrats on your extraction!

8 years ago
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