Last seen: February 3, 2025 2:20 AM
Interesting! I've gotten quiet a few messages regarding syncs and that episode. Glad to have you back!
That's awesome man, I bet that eclipse is going to be pretty great to see. Thanks for listening, hope the new forums work out!
Heck yeah, thanks!
You guys don't see the text tools window?
Yeah, I didn't get a lot out of Donald Marshall's appearance outside of entertainment value, but we still like episodes like that once in a while, rig...
XenForo is one of the best forum platforms available. Hopefully you'll agree over time. Bold and Italics are right on the toolbar above where you type...
Heck yeah, welcome to the party!
Right on! Josh was a great one. Thanks for the support, and good luck on your show!
Much appreciated! Hope you enjoy the extra hours!
Thanks! That was quiet an experience! You named some of my favorite subjects too, even thought they've sort of been one-off topics. I think we're...
Definitely good questions to ask when absorbing information from a presenter, but I think it's easy to start being TOO skeptical. It can get to a para...
Well thanks for listening and for the support!
Yikes, that's a guy I wouldn't trust after the whole Polio/SV40 thing, but very interesting! I feel like I've heard about a lot of cures/advancements ...
Thanks! Even I don't love every episode, but I'm getting better and knowing how to get the best out of a subject, or trying at least.