Last seen: February 3, 2025 10:57 AM
Thanks for the kind words! Those are some of my favorite subject too. I should be having Wal Thronhill on in April to get deeper into the Electric Uni...
Thanks man, glad the app is working out. I think the guy did a great job. I should be going back on Jericho next month too!
Thanks for listening man, best of luck in your artistic endeavors!
Welcome! I think you've sent me that photo right? That or someone else has the same experience. Happy to keep you're mind occupied during the ole 9-5....
The last two are David Rodriguez with the Education Conspiracy and Joshua Cutchin with A Trojan Feast. Hope that helps. Email me at thehighersidechats...
haha Nice man, I had a buddy just say the same about Yellow Sub. I'll have to check it out. I'm not even sure I've seen it once all the way through. ...
Nice! Glad to hear it, enjoy the ride my man.
I would suggest reading the FAQ page. There are several apps that work best on a Galaxy phone that will update automatically without needed to come ba...
Nice, thanks a lot. I'm honored to be the first. I loved the Jericho show, but I was pretty nervous. Not used to doing shows in person with a guy like...
For sure, definitely important and I'll check out Victor's work. Randall is the man. Thanks for signing up!
Much appreciated! I'm a one man show all around so the tech aspects are sometimes the weakest, but I think it improves all the time, and once you're c...
South Africa? Nice! A visit there is on my list. Thanks for listening!
Right. I heard him do two great solo shows on the Clintons so I thought it'd be a slam dunk. Definitely turned out to be a different kind of guy than ...
Seems to have just been an issue with one of my plugins. It's been updated and I believe fixed. You can always download the MP3 directly, which ...
Whoa man, interesting. I do like Peter Levenda, hopefully you're not implying he stole you work. Maybe just came to similar conclusions? Either way...