Last seen: February 3, 2025 2:10 PM
Nice! Thanks for signing up. My good friend always mentions Forming to me, I should check it out.
Damn, thanks for the props. I used to really like Red Ice too, and have the same feelings about it recently. Bit of a shame, but their loss seems to b...
Welcome, thanks for joining!
Trippy stuff man, very cool! Thanks for the compliments.
Whoa, thanks for the kind words man. I gotta say, it feels right. Thanks for hoping on board!
Haha That's awesome man, glad you're enjoying the ride!
You have to right click it and choose "save target as" if you're on a pc, and on Apple it's something similar, maybe a click and hold. Hope that helps...
Hey man, Thanks for the signing up. That's an awesome dog name. I've never really spent time in DC, but I hear the museums are great. Thank...
Thanks for signing up, much appreciated! I'm still trying to get proper email notifications for forum posts. I thought I had it a few weeks ago ...
haha You're one of the lucky ones! The paranormal seems to be repelled by me. Thanks for the support and having the faith I'll still be going st...
Ugh, I can't get it working, and I don't want to risk emails going out to all the subscribers again. That was no good.
Shit, so sorry guys. If you have the box check marked to be notified for replies on a specific thread, that should work now. (Which might be why you g...
Yeah I would loove to hear George Green speak more: /blockquote> Interesting. His website is very religion heavy, so I'm a bit nervous, but t...
I actually have Donald Marshall booked right now for the 16th! I"m really pumped, I think he'd be a great guest. I'd been trying to get in touch...